Future Landscapes

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The Pinery Provincial Park

Pinery Perfection!

On Canada Day long weekend we packed ourselves into the greyhound and booked it to London, Ontario. Why London, you might ask? We might ask ourselves the same thing, but the easiest reason is we have a good friend who lives there and we knew there'd be easy access to Lake Huron! 


Sunday was grey and dreary but we gamely loaded into Nicole's mom's purple camry and drove up to the Pinery. After waiting out a rainstorm and heavy traffic into Grand Bend at a road-side antique market, the clouds started to break and we headed back towards the Provincial Park. Glad we did! 


I had picked out the Oak Savannah trail because of it's being an extremely rare ecosystem (if not noticeably characteristic...) and this led us to the freshwater dunes on the edge of the beach. Since it had been a grey day until then, the beach was pretty much deserted and we had the place almost to ourselves. 

Best part of driving in Southern Ontario: the beautiful countryside!

After this beautiful day we came back to London for a BBQ feast of steak & trout. After a few too many glasses of rose the concept of 'going out' came up, but because we are old we decided to cash in on some groupons for Marble Slab ice cream first.


While eating our ice creams outside, we realized what a stark contrast we make to the typical partying Londoner: we were in sweatshirts and jeans, they were in mini-dresses and high heels. This suspicion was confirmed when someone yelled out 'You look like a teenage band!' from across the street. So we decided to call ourselves 'Smooth Linoleum' in reference to a phrase coined by the dependably sexist backwater men haunting London's bars for their preference of bare lady-bits.

Our singles include "Hockey Hair is not a Fashion Statement'; 'Birkenstocks just turn us off' and our most recent hit, 'Toronto, fix your goddamn sewers'

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