Future Landscapes
Design, Visualization & Photography

Copenhagen +|-

The happiest nation on earth: is it too good to be true? Spoiler: yes. An architecture student’s experiences with those crazy Danishes in Copenhagen while studying at the Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole.

A guide to Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole (The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts)

Having glorious visions of living in Copenhagen while studying architecture? Check out my handy guide for harrowing tales of what it is REALLY like to live in CPH and study at the Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole. 

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Shout out to people who came here because they googled 'Denmark Sucks'

Every time I need a good long laugh, I read the 'livable cities' article in the Monocle. The Monocle is one of the reasons I decided to take my masters degree in architecture in Copenhagen. I trusted the Monocle.

The Monocle lies. Through its teeth.

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I am thinking of a word that begins with 'unemployed'

One day I'm going to start a blog called urban interventions and post pictures of stuff people do to alter their living environment. Hopefully it is not in Denmark because if it is then the only pictures will be of garbage.

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Tip: avoid living with a Dane... at all costs.

I have managed to get a room in a Danish House of Horrors. It involves a living, breathing pig, multiple taxidermized rodents, and a photo of the Blessed Virgin hanging above my bed. Oh, and that is just the beginning.

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