Design, Visualization & Photography

Live from Berlin

What is it like to live and work in the Hauptstadt? A Canadian designer’s unique perspective on finding work and having fun in Berlin.

Job Interviews

I submitted my thesis project for a sustainable architecture thesis award last night, they will announce the winner on Dec. 15. I am excited to submit something for the first time. Even if i got shortlisted to the top 10... I would be pretty happy. 

[UPDATE: Results came in, I didn't place. I should have realized they were looking for shiny parametric fake-ness wrapped in a pretty rendering rather than actual sustainable solutions. Oh well.]

So, I have had 2 interviews this week. I would say they went well, though I don't have any offers from them yet. They were 'real' interviews, where I went through each project in my portfolio and described the design process. [The other interviews I had were mainly like... 'yeah, I really like your drawings. But we don't have any positions. How about a praktikum?']

Both interviews went on for about an hour, and we discussed things like... how the office works, where I see myself going with architecture / landscape architecture, how much salary I require. Both offices said they would let me know by next Friday. At the first interview, the partner was like 'I think you will work pretty well.' But then said he was travelling this week and couldn't make a decision until next week. If only I could speak a little German, I feel like i could have convinced them on the spot! Darn it all.

I am really nervous! Nervous to get an offer... nervous to not get an offer... Nervous to have a job... Nervous to keep being unemployed. 

We have decided to return to Berlin after Christmas, it just makes sense because we've planted so many seeds here in terms of applications, getting our visas, finding an apartment, etc. It would be devastating to return to Canada for good and then start hearing back from firms in Europe one month or two months later. I know it can take up to 3 months to review applications at the busy firms. So we're going to give it all for as long as we can. 

It is really cold in our apartment. We need curtains or tapestries or a fireplace or a really warm kitty. Or all of the above.