81 Bay St. Skypark
The skypark at 81 Bay is conceived and designed based on its specific location at the heart of a changing Financial District. It represents a new type of ‘elevated park’ for Toronto, intended to bridge the rail tracks and create strong connections between Downtown and the Waterfront.
The fact of being elevated is both the park’s greatest asset as well as its most difficult challenge. These realities pose two significant questions for the design of the park: How to amplify the park’s panoramic viewing experience; and How to overcome the park’s disconnection from city life at street-level?
Employer: PUBLIC WORK Office for Urban Design & Landscape Architecture
Role: Visualization, Concept Design, Green Roof Design, Project Coordination (SPA, DD)
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Date: 2014-Current
Team: Melissa Tovar, Guangyu Zhao, Ben Watt-Meyer, Chester Rennie, Melissa Tovar, Adam Nicklin, Marc Ryan
Collaborators: Wilkinson Eyre (Building Design Architect), Adamson Associates (Building Executive Architect)

Concept Plan - Phase 1

Concept Plan - Phase 2 Buildout

Site Context Plan

View over Botanical Mounds

View through wood deck & botanical mounds